Adina Sommer Feature: Hartmann Schedel Religious Influences

  Hartmann (Hartmund) Schedel (1440-1514) is one of the first cartographers to use the printed press. He was a trained physician, humanist, and bibliophile whose love for books and the arts resulted in him making noted contributions to history and cartography. … Continued

What’s in a name: Mercator’s Contribution to the use of ‘Australia’

A few weeks ago Phillip Clarke, a Professor of Health Economics at University of Melbourne purchased the Cosmographia from Adina Sommer to help with his research on the origins of the name Australia. The amazing findings from his research was published in the captivating … Continued

Featured Map:De Bello Belgico decas II Famiani Stradae Rom. SOC. Iesu

Adina Sommer collects some of the most rare and sought after maps. One such map is Famiano Strada’s, De Bello Belgico decas II Famiani Stradae Rom. SOC. Iesu. The De Bello Belgico now featured on the website, has been described as … Continued

World Maps ( Featuring Schelel’s -Secunda Etas Mundi)

The advent of technology has caused the use of printed maps to decline. Digital mapping has now become ubiquitous with mapping technologies such as foursquare and Google maps providing easy access to navigation capabilities at our fingertips. Before the rise … Continued

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